Sam's story...

My name is Sam. I'm just a normal girl from London that has happened to see first-hand the barriers that are depriving some of the world’s poorest girls an education. This includes not having adequate footwear to safely get to school, or as the #bringourgirlsback campaign showed, not being safe when they're actually there. 

During a recent trip to Gambia, I saw a Nine year old girl called Fatou walk for 40 minutes to get to school. For the last three years Fatou has been doing the walk, twice a day, with a swollen and infected foot.

If the nurse who I travelled with had not looked at and treated her foot it would have almost certainly gangrened in the next month and she would have needed a foot amputation... 

And of recent we've all seen with horror 200 girls kidnapped in Nigeria simply because there captors didn't think the girls deserved an education.

These stories are real obstacles getting in the way of educating our girls and I believe there is something I can do to help. However small.

 If you’re anything like me  and think it’s a bit silly we still hear stories like this in 2014, then join me in doing something about it.   

From Saturday 7 June 2014  I'm taking off my shoes to show support for these causes and I want you to join in too. 

If you share a foot-selfie @mifani_shoes on twitter and instagram, Mifani will send you a £70 voucher for you to spend on any of their summer heels.

£5 from your order will go to the charity BACE to help fight the barriers preventing young girls in getting an education. This includes helping to buy adequate school shoes, books, medical and educational supplies.

 So get involved in #Dare to bare your feet week and together we can make a difference.

With love x 
